

Little Known Shortcuts

Time is valuable for me. When I am doing homework or just surfing the net, I don't want to waste time with the mouse unless it is absolutely nessicary. The vital half a second it takes for me to lift my hands from the keys and onto the mouse, find the mouse, and click what I want wastes time. I have spent time looking at the Window's Help file keyboard shortcuts list and it has proved useful.

One shortcut I wished everyone would use is one I found that is useful when in either internet explorer or firefox. Lets say I wanted to go to google.com. I would click in the address bar and type in www.google,com get frustrated because I hit comma instead of period, go back, hit backspace, replace it with a period and hit enter to go to google. There is a trick to solve this problem. Now I type in google and hit ctrl and enter at the same time. It adds http://www. to the beginning and .com to the end. If you surf as many websites as I do it will actually save you time.

The second shortcut I have found useful is one that deals with multiple windows. When lets say you wish to switch between an AIM session and a browser window you need to pick up the mouse and click on the item you want in the task bar. Instead, if you hold alt and tap the tab key a menu pops up. You can then press tab until the window you wish is selected and then release alt. After a little of getting used to it, it can make your task switching super fast.

The last shortcut is used when you want to display the desktop. To minimize all windows press down the windows key and the letter m at once. With these few shortcuts, one's day goes by super fast!

Great comments and tips! I especially like the one about the Web address bar. Keep up the good work!
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