


The greatest things in life are free. Although such case is not always true with food or money, it is often true for software. One day a few years ago I stumbled into a word, browser. 'What's a browser?' I asked myself. 'Isn't that the evil bad guy in Mario? No that's bowser. Hmm.' So I looked it up on the internet.

It turns out that browsers are the things you get on the internet with. Sure once you plug in the cable into the back of your computer and connect to the internet, you are "online." But until you open up your browser you are not "surfing" the net. Most people use Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer is Microsoft's browser. However, recently people have exploited security flaws in IE and created such things as phisings. Although some phising occurs on all browsers, some tricks can be done in IE to do things say for example, placing a picture of "www.paypal.com" over the address bar so people believe they are at the genuine site.

The solution is firefox. It is a browser that is free from the Mozilla corporation. Though security improvements will benefit those who "switch over." The greatest advantage to firefox is the tabbed browsing. Tabbed browsing is like Multitasking times two. Normally when one multitasks in Windows, you have multiple Internet Explorer Windows open. With firefox you can set it so that within a window there are many websites. You flip between them with a tabbed system like a file folder. But then you can have multiple windows of firefox open each with their own many tabs. Its like saying Windows XP is a file-cabinet for the internet and each of its windows is a file-cabinet drawer. With IE you have one file folder per drawer, with firefox you have the draw filled with many file folders.

It may not sound so fun but, oh once you use it you will never turn back. I challenge you to try it. It can run side by side with IE.

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