

Have Fun

Nothing bothers me than a bored family with a computer just sitting there. Maybe I'll go over to an aunt's house to eat. Maybe its my friend's house. But we end up watching some awful TV show with lots of commercials. Oh how I wish these people had video games on their computer.

The thing is, many games are free. But the problem is many are riddled with spyware. So now I unleash my super-secret way on how to have fun when you are bored: "demos." They are games with limited functunality, perhaps one or two levels or perhaps a day limit on how many days they can be played. The great thing is they are free. And since the purpose of a demo is to get you to buy the game, they don't bundle nasty spyware with it because they want you to be happy and buy the product.

Demos can be found at almost any game company's website. If you don't know what game you are specifically looking for a demo for, I suggest happypuppy.com. It has the widest selection. The best part is that their downloading system automatically accelerates the download speeds for those on a broadband connection. Thus through their website, at non-peak hours, I can download at 600-800 kilobytes a second. That usually equates to about 5-15 minutes per demo.

Some of my favorites include the following list:
1) Battlefield 2 (Online Multiplayer)
2) Battlefield 1942 (Online Multiplayer or Single)
3) Splinter Cell (Single Player)
4) Medal of Honor Spearhead (Online Multiplayer)

Check these and more out!

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